



主 讲 人:李行德(香港中文大学语言学及现代语言系 教授)

        间:20091023日(周五)下午1:30 ~ 3:20








Dr. Thomas Hun-tak Lee (李行德) received his primary and secondary education in Hong Kong. He received his BA from Swarthmore College, majoring in English Literature, MA in Language Studies from University of Hong Kong, and PhD in Linguistics from UCLA, completing a dissertation on quantification in Chinese in 1986. Since graduation, he has taught Linguistics at City University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is currently based at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages. He has held visiting professorships at Guangdong Foreign Studies University, National Chung Cheng University, and Beijing Language and Culture University, and was Yuelu Professor at the Institute of Cognitive Science of Hunan University from 2003 to 2005. He was President of Linguistic Society of Hong Kong in 1990-1991, and an Executive Member of IACL in 1994-96. Dr. Lee's research has centered on the acquisition of syntactic and semantics and issues of learnability, with special reference to the quantificational competence of Mandarin-speaking and Cantonese-speaking children. He led the construction of CANCORP (The Hong Kong Cantonese Child Language Corpus), which was published in 1996. Since 2002, he has been heading a Chinese Early Language Acquisition (CELA) project in Beijing, Hunan and Hong Kong, investigating how Chinese children acquire the core properties of the target languages from infancy to two years of age. Dr. Lee has published more than 30 research papers on Chinese linguistics and Child Language. He is currently Associate Editor of Journal of Chinese Linguistics, and a member of the editorial boards of Journal of East Asian Linguistics, Contemporary Linguistics, Modern Foreign Languages, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, and Taiwan Journal of Linguistics.



1985 “The Phonetic Quality and the length distinction of Cantonese Vowels” Fangyan (Dialectology) 7.1:28-38

1989 “Development of a Mandarin-speaking Child's Comprehension of Wh-Questions”, Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale18.1:29-62.

1989 __, Xu Lie-jiong and Ngai Yuen-leung

“The Logical and Semantic Properties of ze in ShanghaiZhongguo Yuwen (Chinese Linguistics) 211:264-272.

1990 Xu Lie-jiong and ___

“Scope Ambiguity and Disambiguity in Chinese” Papers from the 25th Chicago Linguistic Society Meeting: Part One, General Session, 451-466.

1991 “Linearity as a Scope Principle for Chinese: the evidence from First Language Acquisition” in D. Napoli and J. Kegl (eds) Bridges Between Psychology and Linguistics, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 183-206.

1992 “The Inadequacy of Processing Heuristics: evidence from Relative Clause Acquisition in Chinese” in T. Lee (ed.) Research on Chinese Linguistics in Hong Kong, pp. 47-85.

1994 Alice Cheung and ____

“Cantonese-speaking children's comprehension of wh-questions” in E. Clark (ed) Proceedings of the 25th Stanford Child Language Conference. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. pp. 106-117.

1996 “Theoretical issues in language development and Chinese child language” in James C-T Huang and Audrey Li (eds.) New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics. Dordrecht: Kluwer. pp. 293-356.

1997 “Scope and distributivity in Child Mandarin”, in Eve Clark (ed) Proceedings of the 28th Stanford Child Language Research Forum. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. pp. 173-182.

1998 ___and Colleen Wong

“Cancorp-The Hong Kong Cantonese Child Language Corpus”, Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale vol. 27, no. 2, pp 211-228.

(also published in) 2

1999 Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquée, Vol. IV-1, Juin 1999. Dossier. Grands Corpus: diversité des objectifs, variété des approches. pp. 21-30.

1999 Wang Chuming and ___

“L2 Acquisition of Conflation Classes of Prenominal Adjectival Participles”, Language Learning. vol. 48, no. 1. pp. 1-36.

1999 ___, Virginia Yip and Chuming Wang

“Rethinking Isomorphism as a Scope Principle for Chinese and English”, Proceedings of the Tenth North American Chinese Linguistics Conference. Graduate Students in Linguistics: Department of Linguistics, University of Southern California. pp. 169-186.

2000 “The Bridging of Linguistic Research Traditions―a review of Recent Advances in Chinese Linguistics”, Journal of Chinese Linguistics vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 116-162.

2001 “Finiteness and Null Arguments in Child Cantonese”, The Tsinghua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series, Vol. 29, pp.365-393.

2001 _____and Ann Law

“Epistemic Modality and the Acquisition of Cantonese Final Particles”, in Mineharu Nakayama (ed.) Issues in East Asian Language Acquisition. Tokyo: Kuroshio Publishers. pp. pp 67-128.

2003 "Two types of logical structure in child language," Journal of Cognitive Science 3: 155-182

2004 "Productivity in the early word combinations of Cantonese-speaking children", in Shi Feng and Shen Zhongwei (eds) The Joy of Research ---A Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y.Wang on His Seventieth Birthday. Tianjin: Nankai University Press. pp.38-58.

2005 Dongfan Hua and ___,

“Chinese ESL learners’ understanding of the English count-mass distinction,” in Laurent Dekydtspotter, Rex A. Sprouse, and Audrey Liljestrand (eds), Proceedings of the 7th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference (GASLA 2004). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. pp 138-149.

2005 “The acquisition of additive and restrictive focus in Cantonese”, POLA Forever: Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y.Wang on His 70th Birthday, Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, pp. 71-114.

2006 Jie YANG and ____,

“Lexical variation and rime-tone correlation in early tonal acquisition: a longitudinal study of Mandarin Chinese,” Communications of the Second International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Language (TAL2006), La Rochelle, France.

2006 Ling Xiao, Xin Cai and ___, "The development of the verb category and verb argument structures before two years of age," in Yukio Otsu (ed.) Proceedings of the Seventh Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics. Tokyo: Hituzi Syobo, pp. 299-322.

2006 Tsou, B K, _____, Tung, C S, Man, Y H, Chan, A, To, C, Cheung, P, Ng, A, & Chan Y (2006 Mar) Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS). City University of Hong Kong & Department of Health.

2006 “A note on garden-path sentences in Chinese,” in Dah-an Ho, Samuel Cheung, Wuyun Pan and Fuxiang Wu (eds.) Linguistic Studies in Chinese and Neighboring Languages: festschrift in honor of Professor Pang-hsin Ting on his seventieth birthday. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, pp. 491-518.

2007 “Mandarin-speaking children’s knowledge of the scope of quantified noun phrases,” in Shen Yang and Feng Shengli (Eds.) Contemporary Linguistic Theory and the Study of Chinese. Beijing: Commercial Press. pp. 169-191.

2008 “Children's sensitivity to the clause-boundedness constraint on quantification, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Cognitive Science, ICCS 2008. Seoul: The Korean Society for Cognitive Science.

